After the adoption of a mischievous young cat named Keith, Amanda developed a deeper compassion for all animals, initially joined a cat charity in 2012 as a volunteer. After several years of life saving action, Amanda decided to go further and set up her own charity 'Animal Support Angels' based in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire.
Animal Support Angels is a registered independent Animal Welfare Charity in the United Kingdom. Founded in 2019, the charity is the inspiration of Amanda Broome. The Charity provides support to thousands of animals across the UK and beyond. Our community support projects range from controlling feral populations to rescuing and re homing abandoned animals.
We believe that animals enrich our lives: we also know that they cannot speak for themselves and need love and protection
Welfare - The advancement of animal welfare to provide food, shelter, warmth, and interaction to relieve the suffering of animals
Education - Encourage the values of kindness and compassion towards all animals
Charity - We support small independent community-based charities that directly assist thousands of animals each year
Advice - We work hard to offer you on-going advice and be there when you need some support
Re-homing - Giving unwanted pets the best chance of finding a loving, happy home
Ease Suffering - Provide transport where necessary to sick or injured animals, getting them to a place of safety with a sanctuary or veterinarian
To promote humane behaviour towards animals, in particular but not exclusively by:
Founder of Animal Support Angels and the proud owner of 3 crazy cats!
A key volunteer who has been supporting Animal Support Angels from the start!
Trustee and trusty transporter!
Long suffering husband of Amanda, with primary roles as trustee and charity fundraiser!
These lovely ladies give up their time to help unload much needed donations and foster cats needing emergency placement and vet treatment, our fundraisers keep the money coming in so we can continue to do what we do best
Niece of Amanda, roped in as the token young person to help with web design and social media!
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